
Why did you decide to join the Eco Chateau Team?

7 years ago I ended up selling my spa, Essential Rituals to the original owner of Eco Chateau. I was planning on going back to Corporate, but she convinced me to stay and help manage and grow the Team. It’s obviously worked out because I’m still here and loving it.

Why did you decide to become a Colon Hydrotherapist?

I’ve received Hydrotherapy once before I came to Eco Chateau so not much exposure prior. Once I got here I was fascinated with the fact that Colon Hydrotherapy was the service the Spa was built around. So many clients coming in for the service so I decided to do a series for myself. I’m in generally good health with no digestive issues, but noticed such improvement in my skin, my brain fog was gone and I felt like I was getting better nutrient absorption from my food. I appreciated the stories from clients who regularly come in for Colon Hydrotherapy and was blown away by everyone’s different wellness journeys. Digestive Issues, Cancer, Lymes Disease, Eczema etc. I learned and realized our digestive system affects everything. All that being said I decided to officially get certified and it was one of the best decisions ever. I learn so much from my clients journeys as they’re all dealing with different issues and get so much gratification seeing them heal and feel better. It’s such an intimate service that you can’t help but build long lasting relationships with your clients who ended being friends.

What do you want your clients to know about you?

I’ve been at Eco Chateau for 7 years and will be here as long as I’m wanted. LOL. I’m so dedicated to Eco Chateau’s mission and our community. It’s such a blessing to be able to work with such a caring, hard working, and talented Team. I appreciate all my clients past, present and future. I truly love what I do and not many people get to say that. I’ve been in San Diego most of my life. I’m a proud Navy brat and come from a family with strong military roots. I am happily married to the man of my dreams and have an amazing son who will almost be 18. YIKES! Plus I’m a proud human mom to my puuurrr-babies Ella and Theo.

What do you like to do for fun?

Spend time with my family, friends, and our amazing Eco Chateau Team. Enjoy being outdoors and taking in all San Diego has to offer. I’m a proud cat mom. LOL. This was very unexpected and happened during the lock downs, but I have 2 cats named Ella and Theo now and they bring me so much joy. Outside of all that I love to dance and eat!